Community Angel
Jennifer Jones in cooperation with MaaxxSouth Broadband
10 AM TIL 2 PM
Come Meet Your Future!!!
Toyota, Toyota Suppliers, Resource MFG, Entry Level State Jobs, Haworth, Mississippi Silicon, Second Chance Employment(WOTC), Veterans Information, Legal Services, (Wills and Expungements), Correctional Facility,
Three Rivers PDD, FBI Career Information, USDA 504 housing loans information
Healthcare, Trucking, Personnel Network Staffing, and so much more!!!!
Contact Cook’s Adult Daycare, LLC 662.539.7042
Hosted by Cook’s Healthcare, LLC
611 Moss Hill Drive, New Albany, MS 38652
New Albany Fire Department will be on hand with applications for smoke alarms for community members! They will also be taking applications for employment!
Community Angel Job Fair. All proceeds benefit the Cook’s Adult Daycare Clients All donations appreciated!