Participate In A Study About Disabilities & Sexuality

posted on 2018-10-05 4:08 pm
Dear The Arc of Northeast Mississippi,
My name is Rebecca Kammes, I am a doctoral student at Michigan State University, as well as a couple and family therapist. I study romantic relationships and sexuality expression for adults with developmental disabilities.
I am emailing you because I am currently looking for participants for a study. This study is examining the roles that parents/primary caregivers play in helping their adult child with an intellectual disability have romantic relationship experiences (such as dating). We are looking for a nation-wide sample of parents who have an adult child with a mild/moderate intellectual disability, and your organization was mentioned as a good fit for the participants we are trying to find. Participants will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes for the chance to get a $50 giftcard. They will also have the option to participate in a phone/online interview and will be given $30 for the interview as well.
Attached to this email is a flyer that includes information regarding the study and a link to the online survey. If you could pass this on to parents, caregivers, or other organizations that also work with this population. Any help you can give in the recruitment for this study is extremely appreciated.
If you have any other questions or concerns about the study, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (630)884-8253.
Thank you so much,
Rebecca Kammes
Rebecca Kammes, M.A.
Doctoral Candidate
Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies
Couple and Family Therapy Program
[email protected]